Creative Writing - The Gift

I opened my gift with enthusiasm, clawing and ripping away the wrapping paper.

When all was shredded my heart skipped a beat. It was a skateboard. Unlike any I’ve ever seen, apart from on TV. It was pitch black, sleek and polished, not like those $30 wooden planks with wheels you get from the Warehouse, this was a pro-board, The real deal. The whole thing was so new and shiny it looked like some kind of futuristic mini spaceship.

The board felt beyond amazing under my feet, it was like it was made for me all along. I glided down the street on my newly-acquired prize while every kid in the neighbourhood gawked at me. I felt like god.  


Before I got my skateboard (which I now call Amy) I was a reasonably accomplished skater and now with Amy by my side I feel like a pro, the god of all skaters.

I wandered down to the local skate park with Amy and my cocky new-found ego and signed up. The judge quickly placed me to contestant number five.

I sat down on the raised seats and bade my time, taking deep breaths as to put a leash on my rising anxiousness. The present skater, who was number four was breathtaking with all the feats he was able to compile and complete. The crowd was going ape for him and cheered him on throughout his whole round. My time was approaching. Fast. The fourth skater just finished his routine and the buzzer was probably going to go any minute now.

It did. The buzzer rang and I heard the mega-phone utter the name “Conor Geany!” It was time. I made my long and unbearable conquest up the starting ramp. My heart was pounding.

This is it I thought. Its time. Lets do it! I cavemaned down the ramp, landing feebly and rolling my ankle. I still managed to remain standing on the skateboard throughout the rest of my routine but I was rubbish and all the ‘cool skater kids’ were laughing at me. When the buzzer ran and my utterly reasonable performance was over my score was way beyond what I ever imagined, I was stoked with a 7!


Since that fateful day I’ve been making excellent progress with my skating and although I think and know that the judges gave me a good score because they felt sorry for me I haven’t let that get in the way. Besides, now I can land a 360 kickflip with ease! Sick!